Friday, March 26, 2010

Why am I where I am....

Have you ever had a day when you off to a good start. Then when things are going as planned a wrench gets thrown in the mix. Something that so blind sides you that your an emotional wreck the rest of the day. It put me in a place where all I want to do is turn in the TV and PS3 and not do or worry about a thing the rest of the day. Sends me into a state of mind that it doesn't matter what I do that it is not going to be the right thing any way so why try. Why do I have that trait in me? Why do I always seem to get it wrong? Am I really getting it wrong?

How can some one say they are there for you and when you approach them you fill judged? Why does the older generation always seem so down on the younger because we don't do things exactly the way they want it done?

I understand that I have a lot of growing up to do still but the is what makes me, me! I am unique and exactly where God wants me. Taking steps to become a better leader and grow my knowledge of the word. In him I will find rest, in HIM I have peace!!

HIM that is my hearts desire, HIM my life song sings, HIM I want to please,

Why when the only approval in life i am after is Jesus's do I feel required to find man's?

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